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Official outdoor practice begins in March at TBA location. Practice schedules will be sent out weekly with practice times and location changes to (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday @ 6 p.m.) Fridays are meet prep/recovery days and coaches will be available to help assist athletes with additional meet prep. More information to come. Practices are Mandatory to compete in meets. Only athletes competing in high school meets, District, Regional and State track & field competitions are excused until the conclusion of their season.

Please RETURN the following items:

  • Membership Profile (with signatures in appropriate spaces of both parents and athletes where requested. For the electronic version click here)

  • Club Fees: Must be Paid in Full PRIOR to Monday March 28th, 2022

       (There is a $15 fee on a returned check for insufficient funds in your account.)

Fees do not include: AAU membership fees, individual meet registration fees, costs related to travel, hotel, transportation, or meals. (We do conduct fundraisers throughout the season to help supplement some of these costs for the Junior Olympics for those who qualify, however this is an aid and does not stand in lieu of obligations.)

  • Parent(s) and/or guardians will be responsible and for all fees to enter and compete in AAU sponsored meets, the meet fees are listed on the schedule and are to be submitted to preferably at practice leading up to the meet but we will accept entry fees on the day of the meet.

  • “ORIGINAL COPY” Birth Certificate (“all athletes – returning and new”) – AAU Requirement (Original will be returned at the end of the season; or just bring the original copy to each track meet.For official proof of age upon contest)

  • Copy of Medical Sports Activity Release Form (all athletes; may use copy of school sports form)




Thanks for submitting!


Copyright ©2023 Spartan Chosen Cares, Inc. 

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